Hyaluronic Acid: The Miracle Moisturizer

In the previous article, we stated that the condition of the dermal layer of the skin, its elasticity and ability to resist stress, the youth of the skin and its appearance is mainly determined by the condition and the amount of collagen and elastin fibers in the tissue and the quality and quantity of glycosaminoglycan gel which fills the space around the fibers.

So, what are glycosaminoglycans?

Glycosaminoglycans are part of the intercellular substance of connective tissue. Glycosaminoglycans are located primarily on the cell surface and ensure their structural integrity and migration, that is the division and replacement of dead skin cells with new cells. Together with collagen and elastin fibers, they form the main component of the intercellular substance of connective tissue of the skin – the matrix. And an important and fundamental part of glycosaminoglycans is hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is a major component of synovial fluid and the vitreous body of the eye. A lot of it is found in the tissues of the heart valves and in ova. Hyaluronic acid is produced by the cells of connective tissue of the body, the fibroblasts.

Hyaluronic acid is an important structural element of the skin. It is believed that the main function of hyaluronic acid in the connective tissue is binding water. And its ability to retain water is absolutely unique! In water, its molecules form a kind of grid or matrix which can bind a 10000-fold volume of liquid.

Being mainly composed of hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans can bind large amounts of water. As a result, the intercellular substance becomes gelatinous or jelly-like.

Glycosaminoglycans take the main part in the formation of elasticity of different tissues, performing a spring (damper) function. Generally, they are responsible for the density, firmness and elasticity of the skin and its moisture preservation, which ultimately determines the youth, and beauty, and attractiveness of the skin all over the body, and in particular the facial skin.

Being part of glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid is located in connective tissue of the dermis between the fibers of collagen and elastin, as well as in cells of the horny layer and in corneocytes (cells of the outermost part of the epidermis).

Hyaluronic acid can be called a natural molecular “sponge” with supermoisturing action. It is also an amazing transdermal delivery system which provides many other active components necessary for skin health which can be dissolved in water.

Hyaluronic acid prevents the destruction of collagen, this unique protective barrier in the skin.

Hyaluronic acid accelerates facial skin regeneration and plays an important role in tissue hydrodynamics.

A solution of hyaluronic acid can be widely spread on the skin surface, forming a light film which actively absorbs moisture from the air. This increases the free water content in the horny layer of the skin and creates the effect of “extra moisture”, thereby reducing the evaporation of water from the skin surface.

In the facial skin of a young person, glycosaminoglycan gel is constantly refilled with life-giving moisture, and is actively renovated. The required amount of hyaluronic acid is produced along with it by fibroblasts, special connective tissue cells. In childhood and youth, fibroblasts produce a sufficient level of hyaluronic acid for the health of the skin.

With 22 years of age, the amount of glycosaminoglycan gel, and consequently, the amount of hyaluronic acid begins to decrease steadily.

And with 25 years of age, the quality of glycosaminoglycan gel in the system begins to deteriorate, too. Its renovation slows down, and damaged collagen fibers (broken “mattress springs”) constantly accumulate.

This leads to a decrease in glycosaminoglycan gel moisture holding capacity (due to reducing the amount and concentration of hyaluronic acid in it). As a result, facial skin begins to lose elasticity, it stretches and sags under the force of gravity. “Surplus” pieces of skin and large folds are formed, such as nasolabial wrinkles, under-eye bags, and saggy skin in the neck.

As a result of the oxidative stress of the skin (UV-radiation, low-quality care, bad environment, malnutrition, disease, etc.), a larger amount of the moisture from the glycosaminoglycan gel rises to the drier surface layers of the skin and evaporates.


In case of oxidative stress, the lipid layer of the stratum corneum (the protective layer of the skin) is also damaged, which leads to more evaporation of moisture!

The loss of liquid by the upper layers of the skin is accompanied by an intensive evaporation of moisture from the inner layers of the dermis (its “drawing” out of the depth of the dermis). This leads to even more skin drying. The circle is closed!

This way, a self-sustaining process of dehydration of all of the matrix launches, and we may sadly observe an intensive skin aging and wrinkle formation.

For this reason, the ultimate dream and the most urgent task of cosmetology has been and remains:

  • preserving youthfulness of water-retaining mechanism of the skin
  • finding a way to impact the qualitative and quantitative composition of glycosaminoglycan matrix in the skin, providing its replenishment and renovation


To break the vicious cycle of moisture loss and stop skin aging, we cannot do without additional fluid saturation of the skin and improving its water-retaining systems.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most powerful and effective tools which is able to dramatically change the situation for the better.

Our recommendation is to pay special attention to the beauty product which contain that remarkable supplement, such as Apex Vitality Anti-Aging Serum of Youth.

Skin Brilliance Daily Radiance

Skin Brilliance Daily Radiance is an anti-aging skin care cream which is distinguished by its unique formula. This formula includes both natural and clinically tested artificial ingredients, and the combination of these ingredients is aimed to tackle several skin problems at once.


Dehydration, fine lines and wrinkles, darkening or discoloration – all of them can become a real disaster for the skin as the time passes and we grow older. The Daily Radiance formula can stop these signs of aging, and even eliminate them to restore the healthy look, smoothness and firmness of skin.

In this short review, we have no chance of discussing all of the components found in the Daily Radiance cream, we shall only mention the most important of them. They are:

  • Diamond Dust
  • Marine Peptides
  • Vitamin C


Diamond Dust. It is a specially created mineral with micro spherical particles which penetrate right into the skin through the pores to retain water like nothing else. These particles do not only bond with the water, they increase absorption of other beneficial ingredients in the skin, such as Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins. What is the result? The skin cells are kept hydrated and provided with essential elements. And more, Diamond Dust increases the radiance of the skin itself, just because a diamond dust has its own glow!

Marine Peptides. They are natural derivatives of oceanic algae packed with nourishing elements. These botanical peptides stimulate the production of more collagen in the skin. And more, they can relax the facial muscles. What is the result? The skin rejuvenates itself faster, the skin cells regain their structure and firmness, and the wrinkles reduce.

Vitamin C. Available naturally or synthesized in laboratories, it is a powerful antioxidant and healing agent which fights free radicals all over the body, and in the skin too. But Vitamin C does not only repair damaged skin. When present in a cream, it forms an extra protective layer against harmful UV radiation of the sun and neutralizes melanin production. And more, Vitamin C in the Daily Radiance cream provides hydration and boosts the production of collagen to the skin. What is the result? The rejuvenation of skin, its smoothness and firmness, and the improved skin tone.


As for the aging, it is natural, and we can do nothing with it. But as for the skin problems we may face as we grow older, we can do a lot. Anti-aging products can really prolong our youth when they are applied properly and on a regular basis.

And Skin Brilliance Daily Radiance Cream is one of the best skin care and anti-aging products on the market today.

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ArcaDerm Hydrating Serum

ArcaDerm Hydrating Serum is one of the new serums on the market, but it is already demonstrating amazing results in skin care for thousands of women. Its formula contains a number of natural hydrating ingredients which help you fight lots of facial appearance problems you come across as the time passes by.

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All those furrow lines on forehead and crow’s feet in the corner of the eyes, dark circles under eyes, frown lines and sagging cheeks, all those fine and deep wrinkles which appear here and there as we grow older, all of them are results of loss of liquid and destruction of collagen in the skin.

ArcaDerm Serum is a powerful skin moisturizer which also helps you repair damaged skin. Its beneficial effects can be observed not only in the face, but all over the body! Daily application tightens your skin, makes the dry patches on the face and body smoother, gives healthy looks to the skin and keeps cuticles. It even prevents and stops nail cracking! Once again, you may use it on your face, body, hair and nails. You may use it for a full body treatment. Every inch of your body will respond to it gratefully.

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What makes it so effective? A fantastic mix of natural ingredients which includes:

  • Spirulina Extract (has been shown to offer high protection against free radicals)
  • Aloe Vera (rich in vitamins and minerals, helps to provide cell with oxygen)
  • Willow Bark (has been shown to stimulate new cell growth)
  • Argan Oil (packed with vitamins, anti-oxidants, and fatty acids)
  • Glycine Soja (contains significant amounts of all the essential amino acids and is a good source of protein; in other words, a collagen booster)
  • Vitamin E (a natural antioxidant which helps protect and repair your skin)
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (a versatile antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties)

You want to restore younger looks? Stick to your goal, give it some time. Use it daily, or better, use it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, and in just a month you will start noticing how your skin condition radically improves and the signs of aging grow less and less visible.

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Yes, facial surgery or botox injections may work faster, but they are also painful, risky and expensive. Gentle but powerful, ArcaDerm Hydrating Serum is a perfect solution for those who is inclined to stay on the safe side and cut down expenses.

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Skin Health and Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a key factor for rejuvenation and maintaining the young look of your face.

Today, everyone knows that the main component of the human body is water, which contains plenty of various water-soluble substances. In fact, the whole body consists of aqueous colloidal solutions.

About 50 years ago, the relevant scientific researches forced cosmetologists and dermatologists to alter their ideas of the role of liquids in the body, and the impact of water on the appearance of human skin. And first of all, its impact on the condition of the face skin: youthful look, elasticity, firmness and ability to resist stress and unfavorable environmental effects.


That is why there has been so much discussion about beauty and hyaluronic acid recently. But what is hyaluronic acid, and why is it so useful for the skin?

Let us take a closer look at it. But first, we have to mention a few important facts.

Normally, human body evaporates 100 ml to 200 ml of water through the skin, including the facial skin, daily. This amount does not include liquid which may be exuded through the sweat glands. We only mean evaporation which takes place directly through the stratum corneum (horny layer).


Water loss occurs much faster with:

  • age-related changes in the system
  • damage to the lipid layer of the stratum corneum
  • UVR damage
  • free radicals (FR) damage
  • poor care
  • stress

All these factors increase dryness of the skin. And biological processes are disturbed not only in the upper layers of the skin, but also in the dermis.

In a simplified view, the dermal layer of the skin (the skin itself) resembles a combination of “foam and spring mattress”, where the role of “springs” is played by collagen and elastin fibers, and all the space between these “springs” is filled with an aqueous gel consisting of glycosaminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides).

Think of what happens to a conventional mattress, when its springs or some other filler are broken or weakened by time. Right! The mattress loses its original elasticity and shape, turning into bumps and hollows all over.

Practically the same thing happens to our skin in general, and to the facial skin in particular.


Due to the increasing dryness in the dermal layer of the skin, the amount and quality of glycosaminoglycan gel in the tissue drops, damaged collagen fibers accumulate, elastin thinning occurs, and all of it leads to even greater loss of moisture. The process of premature aging gets launched! The facial skin begins to sag, lose elasticity and wrinkle up.

So, we may sum up.

The condition of the dermal layer of the skin (that “skin mattress” with its “springs” and “filler”), its elasticity and ability to resist stress, the youth of the skin and its appearance is mainly determined by:

1 – the condition of “springs”, that is, the condition and the amount of collagen and elastin fibers in the tissue


2 – quality and quantity of glycosaminoglycan gel (“mattress filler”).

And the most essential component of that gel is hyaluronic acid!

Next time, we’ll examine its properties and function in more detail.

Celleral Anti Wrinkle Firming Cream

Celleral Anti Wrinkle Firming Cream is your secret to radiant, beautiful skin that looks years younger. Don’t endure the physical pain and expense of costly procedures and surgeries. Celleral works naturally to help replenish your skin’s moisture, firming its appearance and restoring your natural glow to reveal a younger-looking you.


Seventy five percent of our skin is comprised of water and collagen. Our skin is exposed to harsh UVA and UVB radiation resulting in age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen, leading to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Most anti-aging products use fragments of hydrolyzed collagen containing molecules too large for the skin with conventional formulas. Celleral’s breakthrough formula delivers whole collagen molecules to the skin. The peptide-rich wrinkle serum is applied to the skin, rebuilding and rejuvenating the skin.


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Serum of Youth

Advanced anti-aging Apex Vitality Serum of Youth complex contains two essential ingredients which help you keep your skin looking young and vibrant. They are Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid.


When applied daily for several weeks, Apex Vitality Serum of Youth will help reduce the size and appearance of wrinkles surrounding the eye area.

By stimulating the regrowth of skin cells, the skin will appear brighter and more even-toned. The Serum also works to smooth out rough skin and decrease the appearance of dark under-eye circles. The signs of aging can be intimidating, but Apex Vitality Serum of Youth is exactly what your face needs to stay healthier and younger looking.


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Aloe Vera

“Lily of the desert”, Aloe vera plant has been known since the ancient Egypt time period. And in those early days in Egypt, it was known as the “plant of immortality”.


Aloe vera is packed with various amazing qualities which are widely used in cosmetics. While opening the pores, Aloe vera latex, or juice penetrates deep into the skin, saturating it with more than 100 of its useful biologically active substances with moisturizing, nourishing, soothing and regenerating effects, including:

  • Vitamins A, E and C. These are famous for their antioxidant properties which help to protect the skin from premature aging.
  • A complex of polysaccharides. They retain moisture and stimulate the immune system.
  • Essential oils and sterols. Their antibacterial effects are most welcome when it comes to fighting acne and other skin problems caused by infection.
  • Salicylic acid. This substance is highly valued for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to its rich composition, Aloe vera juice is now used in lots of different beauty products and has a healing effect on all skin types at any time of the year.

  • It nourishes, softens and moisturizes dry and normal skin.
  • It soothes sensitive skin, relieving stress and irritation.
  • It cleanses and heals oily or problem skin, normalizing the secretion of sebaceous glands.
  • It moisturizes and protects young skin, providing it with the necessary care.
  • It even makes mature skin more smooth and supple, stimulating the renewal of cells and promoting the formation of collagen and elastin.

All of it gives the skin younger and healthier looks and improves complexion.

Today, Aloe vera juice is one of the most effective substances of vegetable origin, supporting beauty, health, radiance and youthfulness of the skin.

Revitalizing Eye Serum

Another amazing beauty product in our list is Eye Serum, a very special and highly effective formula which can be called a real rival of the notorious Botox.

Unlike Botox, Eye Serum does not kill. It revives. Eye Serum contains phytoceramides which work in combination with cholesterol and saturated fatty acids to powerfully fight off excess water loss, which can lead to signs of premature aging and dryness of the skin, among other things.


As a result, Eye Serum works effectively to target and eliminate the root cause of premature aging that is lack of hydration and loosening of skin epidermis. Preserving the firmness and smoothness of your skin.

Aging is natural and wanting to defy is human. In the quest for ageless skin a lot of women decide to opt for expensive surgical procedures that offer instant results, but in the long run can lead to more damage than the good that they promise.

Eye Serum has been formulated to help women combat multiple signs of aging effectively and instantly without the threat that botox and other procedures come with.

Effective Eye Serum formula preserves & boosts collagen levels in the skin epidermis, hence improving the strength & quality of the skin barrier.

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Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) finds practical application in most households as first aid in case of minor burns or cuts, as a skin moisturizer and use as a shaving gel.


There is very little residue, and the MSM is readily absorbed into the skin. It has been shown to keep skin soft and free of wrinkles, prevent dry and brittle skin, and shrink and replace old scar tissue with healthy new skin.

And it is one of the active ingredients found in Serum of Life Anti-Wrinkle Formula.

Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3

Palmitoyl pentapeptide-3 is one of the powerful peptide molecules found in the latest generation of high-end, anti-wrinkle skin care products.


This breakthrough ingredient stimulates collagen production in the skin and can even rival injections as a wrinkle reducer. It works by stimulating the synthesis of the key constituents of the skin matrix; collagen, elastin and glucosaminoglycans, helping to counteract this natural part of the aging process.

And it is one of the active ingredients found in Serum of Life Anti-Wrinkle Formula.